Markfield Local History GroupWar MemorialsAs the 'pictures' were beginning to be shown in the early 1920s at the new picture house on Main Street, villagers wishing to commemorate...
Markfield Local History GroupNew War Memorial DedicationIn 2014, some 100 years on from the start of the First World War, a new war memorial to the fallen of the First and Second World Wars has...
Markfield Local History GroupMarkfield Herald War Memorial articleThis article appeared in the December 2014 edition of The Herald.
Markfield Local History GroupFirst Act of RemembranceThe first annual Act of Remembrance at the new war memorial took place on Sunday 9th November 2014. Organised by Churches Together in...
Markfield Local History GroupMen who died in World War One (1914-1918)No war memorial was erected in Markfield after the First or Second World Wars. Instead, after WWI, the villagers raised funds for what...
Markfield Local History GroupA very brief overview of the World WarsThis page seeks to provide a brief overview of the events leading up to the start and end of the two world wars. The start of the First...