This page lists publications about Markfield's history. Some remain in print and can be purchased from new, however others are more difficult to obtain. If you have copies that are no longer wanted and which you would be willing to give away or sell, or indeed if you would like to purchase any book listed, please send us an e-mail from the Contact Us page and we'll see what we can do. Please also let us know of any books not listed here.
Published by (or with) the Markfield Local History Group
Markfield into the Millennium - Leics Librairies and Information Service with MLHG - ISBN 085 022 4276, 1999
Memories of Markfield Hospital, 2006
A last look at the Institute [the Memorial and Miners' Welfare Institute] 2008
Markfield Village Trail, 2013 - see the Village Trail page
Published by Di Lockley
The True Knitty Gritty Markfield 1086 - 1930 - an account of villagers working their lives away in the Parish
Let us Go Forward Together in Markfield 1939 - 1945 - villagers' memories and village records
A Stitch Dropped in Time; a study of framework knitting in Markfield
Rough with the Smooth - life in Markfield at the start of the last century 1900 - 1930
The Markfield Times - a collection of newspaper reports about the village and its people stretching back some 250 years (2018)
Other topics and publishers
Defunct Operators - Browns Blue Coaches Ltd - East Midlands Area Omnibus Enthusiasts Society, 1969
Brown's Blue - Mick Gamble, 2012, ISBN 978 0 9569075 1 6
Well Wunted - A Leicestershire Lifetime - Walter Higgins OBE JP, circa 1984
The Cliffe Hill Mineral Railway - M. H. Billingham, revised by David H. Smith, Plateway Press, 1997
A stream of influence - a century and a half of Congregationalism in Markfield, 1852 - 2002 - Michael Hockaday, 2003
A Geological walk around Cliffe Hill Quarry - Annette McGrath, British Geological Survey, 2004
My Historical and Pictorial Scrapbook (Stanton under Bardon and surrounding areas) - Janet A Lowe
Elsie May Dearest - Sally Prytherch, 2018, ISBN 978-1-910181-48-5 - contains letters from a patient at the Markfield Sanatorium
The History and Antiquities of Charnwood Forest, by Thomas Rossell Potter, 1842